Rebecca Richardson
CEO and Co-Founder,
Running Industry Alliance (RIA)
Rebecca Richardson has been in the sports industry for over 30 years, continually dedicating her focus to driving collaboration and growth for the sports sector, primarily running and triathlon (B2B). She co-founded Running Industry Alliance (RIA) in January 2022, bringing together defined verticals of the running industry including brands, retailers, distributors, buying groups, events, charities, communities, media, services, suppliers and NGBs. The ecosystem environment encourages working together to assist the acceleration of positive change and market place stability, as well as the sharing of learnings, research, data and insights in a safe space business environment. The recent merger with Triathlon Industry Association (TIA) is another example of a collaborative partnership approach and ultimately leading to overall industry growth. RIA hosts major member orientated in-person annual events including The Running Conference (December) and The RIA Spring Gathering (April), amongst European and international meet ups with alliance partners creating bridges for fast-track global business opportunities, all built for purpose.